Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello my name is Jannie, and yes I'm a girl, but I like adventures. I love writing about each of my adventures, but I'm writing now is definitely my favorite. I'm 10 years old but my greatest adventure happened half a year to bring when I was 9 ½, and my first adventure. Ok, enough about'll tell my story.
There once was a girl called Lulu she loved to read. This girl had a grandfather, a grandfather who was in all the stories she read, an adventurer, the entire month Roni Grandpa sent a story to it in letter form. And every month Lulu hoped the letter.
One day Grandpa Roni sent a letter, but a letter was not like the others, seemed an invitation! She read quietly, Roni Grandpa wanted her to go with him to the Amazon rainforest!!
The next day Lulu packed his bags with all the clothes adventure she never used, Roni Grandpa would come for her at any time, and she had to be prepared!
At 4:30 Roni Grandpa arrived, he was wearing a blue shirt and a pair of jeans. Half an hour later he and Lulu arrived at an airport. And Lulu had already seen almost everything he needed to feel adventurous. Finally boarded the plane, and Lulu did not want to sleep but the whole journey. When they finally chgaram the forest Lulu was upside down, and drooling with hunger. They ate some lulinhas and of course ice cream! The favorite lulu.
It was nearly midnight when lulu was sleeping, tomorrow would be a day of many adventures! The next day lulu Roni and Grandpa met an Indian woman named Mary, she was the age of lulu and the two became good friends! Every day Mary, LuLu and Roni were in a different place. Once were alligator hunt, but Lulu was very scared, especially when Maria made caring for an alligator. Another day they went to see birds, and Lulu loved, had birds of all colors, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Orange, lulu loved, her favorite was a beautiful, azulzinho with big wings. Grandpa Roni said that he was called Blue Arara, but was nearly extinct, and if we continue killing the Arara, would not have not one more!
When dinner was lulu she thought a lot about what she had done, and that tomorrow would be the day she would go away. She had greatly enjoyed the trip and would not go away. But what if she never had an adventure, she thought, really thought, and finally lulu had an idea she could write a book about his great adventure, and ask for help to the world, everyone had to help the Blue Macaws! Grandpa Roni loved the idea and helped lulu to write and edit a book.
After a month everyone was sending money to the Amazon forest, and nobody ever killed a macaw.

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