Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello, my name is Julie. I live in California and now
I am in Fifth Grade! In case you don’t know today
is the first day of school! I am so excited! So I am
going to stop this introduction and start my story,
because even I am getting bored.

''Good morning students!''- said my new teacher as
I arrived at school.  ''My name is Ms. Heartfield".
Ms. Heartfield was a wierd type of teacher. Not bad wierd
good wierd, but wierd. She had a long curly gold hair tied
up in a braid. She wore a blue dress and her jacket was
white. She looked like the queen of the sky.  (mrs.HP)

''Good morning Ms. Heartfield!"-We all said at the
time. That really bothered me. The whole class being
forced to imitate me everyday.
“Students, today you are going to write a letter to the kindergartners!” said Mrs. Heartfield “You are going to tell them how is it like to be a East Elementary school student”.
 Great what am I supposed to write? I can’t remember what it was like being a kindergartner. Obviously that was a long time ago.  (kp)
 In my first day of school in fifth grade I was already mad. How am I supposed to write a detailed five paragraph letter to a six year old?
Just when I finished that thought a strange girl raised her hand her hair was long and brown, her eyes were a dirty yellow color. I couldn’t see her face since she was sitting far from me  but i could tell she was worried.  “Mrs. Heartfield.”- She mumbled with a strange accent- “I am new here and i don’t really know what is like to be a east student.”
Suddenly every single eye in the classroom focused on her and i could tell she got even more nervous than before.
 “Well...we could figure something out...Who would like to volunteer to show the school to...” Mrs. Hartfield said before she looked in her notebook to see the girl’s name “who would like to show the school around to Sophia?” Silence was established not a single soul dared to raise its hand.
 “Well I guess I have to pick random”-She announced-”Ms.Julie Andrews would you like to volunteer?”
That was me. What was I supposed to say? No? Of course I don’t want to show the school to a new girl but I can’t hurt her feelings.
“Yeah, Sure.” -I said.
“Good, now lets start those letters.”-said Mrs. Heartfield.
 I looked at the girl she was looking at me with those big thank you puppy eyes.

I wrote some of my letter before the bell rang. Maybe a paragraph or two. Well I was so excited I was finally going to see my friends.
I walked out the door but something felt weird. Someone was following me. I turned around and saw big brown eyes.
“Sophia! Hi! Why are you following me?”
“Hmm...I thought you were going to show me the school”-she said. I wasn’t sure. But it looked like she was about to cry.
“Yeah ok...Where do you want to go first?”
“Can you show me your friends?”
“My friends?ok”
Awesome I would get to do my “assignment” while I hung out with my friends!
I spotted Mary she was my best friend since forever. Her mom was my mom’s best friend so we knew each other since we were babys.
We both screamed while we hugged each other.
Sophia just stood there. Motionless
“Who is that?”-asked Mary pointing at Sophia.
“That is Sophia”-I answered-”She is new here”
“Awesome! Can I help you show her around?”
“Ye..” I tried to say but I was interrupted.
“Yessss!” said Sophia
“Greaty!” But the bell rang.
“Aww! I have to go to class but see you at lunch!”
“Bye!” Me and Sophia said As we walked back to Mrs.Heartfields class.
“Welcome back class!” announced Mrs. Heartfield “Lets continue those letters.”
I continued my letter. How boring was it? Lots of boring.
I kept staring at Sophia to check how she was doing.
I kept wondering where she was from. She wasn’t from the United States. Maybe she was Italian. Sophia is a Italian name right?

But what most bothered me was that I had no idea what to write to a kindergartner. I mean if I was a kindergartner I would like to read a letter from a fluffy bunny that has a collection of rainbows.
But I am pretty sure that is not what Mrs. Heartfield wants me to write to them.
  So I wrote my letter with the easiest and funnest words:

Dear Kindergartner,
Welcome to East Elementary School!
My name is Julie and I am a fifth grader.
But I was a Kindergartner before and I know what it feels like to try making new friends.
Its hard but I’m going to give you a tip:
Try meeting that like the same things as you do and don’t be afraid to talk.
And always remember to try new things.
Ps: If you are a girl I can tell you stories about a fluffy bunny that has a collection of rainbows.

The bell rang and it was time to go home.
“Nice meeting you! Students I hoped you liked your first day of Fifth grade. See you Tomorrow. No homework today!”
I took Sophia and Mary home so we could have a playdate.
But as soon as I knocked on the door a Little Devil appeared.

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