Monday, April 15, 2013

I could feel the breeze outside as I woke up in the early morning, the bed right next to me empty like always. There used to lie my big sister before she died on the 70th hunger game. Every time I hear about it a dreadful thought comes to mind.  I imagined myself in the arena. I had no talents but to sing.
I put on my jacket as I rushed through the door. Without anything to eat I did not last more than a hour at the crops. All my muscles were hurt and i could not move a thing.
Today was my first reaping day since I was only 12. I had already signed up for about two tessares.  My Family didn’t want me to but I could not let them die.
I tried as hard as I could but never forgot about the games. How my sister died and how I could be chosen too.  I went to the fence. The one that protected the woods from us and prevented criminals. I would always go there when nothing could make me happier. Mockingjays would sing and I would sing back. That was my favorite thing to do. Since the fence was hardly on, no bird would get shocked. However, every single one of District 11’s habitants was afraid of it.  Here the peacekeepers were very tough they could kill us with one bullet.
I got home late and my mom asked me what was wrong.
“I was by the fence, the Mockingjays were there you know.”
This scared mama to death. She didn’t mind me going to the fence before.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
But she was paralyzed.
“Today is the reaping day” whispered Linia, my youngest sister that was only four.
Then I knew why mama was worried, she knew that the peacekeepers were on our watch since a capitol representative was about to step foot on our home.
I went to my neighbors house, a old lady and her two grandchildren lived there. I never knew what had happened to their parents, maybe they had ran away. Or maybe they died.
Luna was one of the grandchildren. She was a little older then me.We always walked home together. She had bronzed skin and brown curls. Her eyes were green like grass and her lips were as red as blood.
Tresh was the other grandchild i had never seen him before but he was the number one crush at school. All the girls liked him. They always gossip about how tall and strong he is.
I went to the bathroom to take a bath, the water was cold because the electricity was hardly on in district eleven. When I was over I saw a white blouse and a blue skirt on my bed. They used to be my sister’s. As I got them on I looked in the mirror it felt wierd...i looked just like my sister.
I went to the front of the justice building.  Thousands of kids were already there. Some of the kids looked scared and others locked ready.   A thin lady came up the stage followed by the mayor and two very strong  men and a women.
I had never seen those people before. They were never at the crops. The mayor lived far away with his wife and two four year old kids who went to school with Linia.
The lady was Megan Shimer the capitol representative she was pretty tall and her face was covered in green makeup...I did not like her.  
The three adults were about twenty or thirty. I had never seen them at the crops or the market. But I did know who they were...They were district eleven’s only live victors.

I probably looked scared because luna looked at me with a calming smile.
 Megan Shimer started her speach. It was long but it callmed me a little. Then she showed a video.

Finally she said. “lady’s first”

She pulled a tessare from the bowl.

And there it was the one person who was either going to die or live in victory...

“Rue Rosemoon”.

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